Earth is not ours, and it never was.We need to leave our planet, save as many as can be saved, and fight until the end.This will be our last stand.

Our Last Stand is an upcoming tragic tactical mech combat role-playing game. Play to tell a captivating story about mech pilots trying to delay the apocalypse long enough for humanity to flee to the stars.Sign up to our newsletter to know when the crowdfunding campaign for this prequel to Nomadic launches.


René-Pier Deshaies (he/him)

Lead Writer & Designer / THUNDERCLAP /

Game designer at Fari RPGs. His work include Breathless, Nomadic, Charge, Hopes & Dreams and more. Who better to create a mech game on Breathless than the brain behind the original Breathless system! Find his games at and say hi at @RPDeshaies on Twitter.

Galen Pejeau (he/him)

Lead Illustrator / FIREFLY /

Freelance illustrator and game designer. Creator of CRASH//CART, Solarcrawl and more incredible games. Illustrator on Deadbelt, and Wicked Ones. You can find his fantastic games on and reach out to him at @GPejeau on Twitter.

Andrew Boyd (he/him)

Writer & Desiger / SEAHAWK /

Designer behind fantastic games like Banda's Grove, Substratum, Storyteller, Badger & Coyote, and so much more. You can check out the rest of hit great portfolio and say hi to him at @PandionGames on Twitter.

Bruno Peixoto (he/him)

Writer & Designer / IRONCORE /

All around system wizard, and game designer at Opal Breeze Games. Creator of the Iron Core, Scorched Lands, and more. Find his games and SRDs on and talk with this wonderful soul at @BrubruGeek on Twitter.


Listen in, this is important.

Here you will all the official playlists to get your table in the perfect mood to delay the apocalypse, and save humanity.

Ambient Playlist

Battle Playlist


Anyone reading me?

Subscribe to the Fari RPGs Newsletter to know when the project launches!


Ready for the drop, pilot?

You will find here all of the game's resources to get started playing Our Last Stand.[[AVAILABLE SOON!]


Gather round, squadrons.

Here is the content of the game's chapter 0, which acts as a perfect introduction to the world of Our Last Stand.